“He has a dazzling talent not only as cook, but as restaurateur, showman, entertainer and businessman.”
“Rich…wonderfully fresh…a delight…the food and service was amazing!”
“Conrad Gallagher…the best restaurant opening of the summer!”
“Hats off to Conrad Gallagher!”
“The food, the staff and enough amuse bouche action to satisfy the Michelin man in one of his more demanding moods”
“Definitely in my top five of all time…the sort of food that explains why a certain chef, in this case Conrad Gallagher, has Michelin Stars!”
“The guinea fowl was perfect, the squab pigeon was tender and subtle and the truffle potato was the best I’d ever tasted…What Conrad does well, few do better”
“Main courses- oh the main courses…the duck- a dish to obsess and fantasize about. The massively ambitious menu is …flawlessly realised”
“Conrad’s fanfare of ingredients will make your head spin. The food was the culinary equivalent of full exhibitionist sex with a first date, who then does your laundry…!”
“Three hours of “Exultate Jubilate” with the pudding the “Hallelujah Chorus” all played with hardly a false note!”